Frequently Asked Questions

We offer two unique worship experiences on Sundays from September through May.

At 8:00 AM, we worship in a more traditional style utilizing the Divine Services from the Lutheran Service Book featuring traditional hymns played on our pipe organ. During this service, Communion is practiced on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of each month.

At 10:30 AM, we worship in a more modern style that follows a similar order of service to the Divine Settings, but with modern language featuring contemporary Christian music led by our Praise Team. During this service, Communion is practiced on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of each month.

Over the summer (Memorial Day weekend – Labor Day weekend), we worship together at 9:00 AM using a blended worship style that seeks to find common ground between traditional and modern styles of worship, creating a unique and dynamic experience that celebrates the best of both worlds. This may include a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary songs, as well as elements of liturgy and some less formal elements.

Not at all! No matter your spiritual background — whether you grew up in a non-religious family, another Church body, or even in another religion — we invite you to join us for worship, meet Jesus, and explore the Gospel!

Come as you are! We see a mix of dress choices from casual to more dressed up. The average attendee is in a “nice casual” outfit, but we’ll be happy to see you regardless!

Our main entrance is under the canopy that connects with the parking lot. At this entrance, there is ramp access to powered doors. Another ramp will lead up toward the sanctuary. Accessible parking spaces are available at the South end of the lot as well as spaces along the drop-off lane.

During distribution, an usher will release participants from their pews and guide them toward the communion rail. Communicants remain standing until welcomed by the Pastor; there are padded kneelers along the rail for those who are able. The Pastor and an Elder will distribute a wafer and individual cup of wine to each communicant. Children who have not had their first communion are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing. Empty wine cups are left on the rail and our Altar Guild will discard them following worship.

There are Lutheran Churches that require church membership to commune as a way of ensuring a higher degree of unity among those communing. However, at Shepherd, we don’t want a human rule, like membership, to be a barrier for those seeking God’s grace. We do, though, ask that you connect with Pastor Chou prior to worship if you would like to join us for communion.

During the offering, an usher will move throughout the aisles with an offering plate. Those who wish to participate may add a contribution to the plate as the usher approaches their pew. Visitors are not expected to put anything into the offering plate unless it is something they wish to do. Envelopes are available in the backs of each pew for those who may wish to utilize them.

At Shepherd, we utilize the English Standard Version most frequently.

Yes! Shepherd of the Grove is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We realize that practices vary between LCMS congregations, and we would be happy to meet with you and discuss how the Bible is lived out in our church. Feel free to contact us and we will connect you with our Pastor.

At this time, we are only utilizing individual cups for communion distribution. If you are unable to make worship in-person, our services are live-streamed on our Youtube Channel.

Still have questions?


Shepherd of the Grove is located on the corner of Hemlock Ln and W Eagle Lake Dr across from Cedar Island Elementary and Accorde Orthodontics. Our parking lot is to the East of the building with access to our main and side entrances. To enter the building during business hours, please use the main doors under the canopy; for worship, both sets of doors are open and available.